What I’m Doing Here


A private group of friends and I formed a small literary and cinematic horror society a few months ago.  We call ourselves the Spooky Scary Skeletons Literary and Horror Society.  We meet twice a month.  The first meeting of the month is a literary meeting.  Our content is drawn from print and online sources, from classics to creepypasta.  Our second meeting each month is cinematic in nature, and usually includes various video shorts and one feature length film.  Often there will be a consistent theme for the month, but not always.

My intention is to have this blog chart a parallel course to the group, in case anyone else finds what we’re doing interesting.  I’ll have content recaps of our meetings (so that you can follow along), a discussion of consistent themes or context for the works if applicable, as well as miscellaneous reviews and musings of stories and movies as I take the time to do them.  As the Chairman of the Spooky Society, I see my role as that of a teacher and a curator to those who have an interest in the genre but lack either the time or interest to dive into the primary material themselves to sort out what’s good, memorable, or enjoyable so that they can broaden their appreciation for horror.

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